Why Is Protein Essential for The Growth and Wellbeing of The Body?

Protein is an essential macronutrient that is found throughout the body – in muscles, skin, hair and other body tissues. Protein is a nutrient that is highly essential for the growth and overall wellbeing of people of all age groups. Proteins generate various enzymes required for the several chemical reactions in our body. The haemoglobins that are present in the red blood cells also constitute protein to carry oxygen to various parts of the body. It plays a key role in muscle formation, bone health and metabolic rate.

Protein deficiency and malnutrition can cause oedema, anaemia, growth failure in children, and shrinkage of muscles. It also causes muscle loss and weakens the immunity system. One of the major protein malnutrition disorders is Kwashiorkor. It mostly affects babies and infants due to improper diet and limited food resources.

Proteins are made up of twenty-plus amino acids, which are an important source of energy for various chemical activities in our body. Out of which, nine amino acids are not manufactured by our body and have to be taken through food intake. If you are not able to consume the required amount of protein daily, then a plant-based protein powder may be the right solution for you.

What Are the Advantages of Consuming NUTRILITE® All Plant Protein Powder?

When it comes to a plant-based protein powder, Amway has a purely organic and completely plant-sourced dietary supplement. It contains the rich goodness of soy, wheat and yellow pea, three ingredients that are rich in protein. 10g of this protein powder offers 8g of high-quality protein. This dietary protein supplement contains the benefits of phytonutrients like soy isoflavones to support and maintain bone health and cognitive health. NUTRILITE® All Plant Protein Powder is completely natural and free from harmful chemicals, preservatives and sugar. It has a neutral taste and can be easily consumed by mixing it with any food or beverage of your choice.

Who Can Consume NUTRILITE® All Plant Protein Powder?

If you’re looking for a protein supplement to bridge the protein gap in your daily diet, then this plant-based protein powder may be the one to go for. It is ideal for individuals who have a busy lifestyle, tend to skip meals and struggle to meet their daily protein requirements. This supplement is also right for those who are protein deficient and are in need of additional protein intake.




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