Know Your Product: Chyawanprash by Nutrilite

 It is an inevitable fact that any successful product on the market will have clones and duplicates that seek to cash in on the popularity of the original. When it comes to health products and supplements, it is imperative for a consumer to know the right product from the clone. Ignorance can lead to fatal and irreparable damage. One such extremely successful product is Chyawanprash by Nutrilite. Let us have a look at what makes it the best Chyawanprash on the market.

Recipe for Success

One of the main reasons why Chyawanprash by Nutrilite has become the best Chyawanprash is because of the ingredients that go into the making of this product. Chyawanprash by Nutrilite is made by processing around 16 medicinal and nutrient-rich herbs, including the chief ingredient, amla (Indian gooseberry). Amla is a rich source of Vitamin C. Every item that is used in this process is completely organic. Preservatives are not used in any way in this process.

Process Defines the Product

Chyawanprash by Nutrilite is created using an expansive process that strives to maintain the Purity, Safety, and Potency (PSP) of the herbs used. All the herbs are first boiled in water and then dried. Honey is added to this extract along with aromatics like cardamom, cinnamon, and clove. The finished product is sour and spicy in taste. Chyawanprash has the consistency of a fruit jam. It will have at least five tastes such as sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and astringent, thanks to the multiple ingredients. It is this detailed process that makes Chyawanprash by Nutrilite one of the best Chyawanprash available today.

Usage Suggestions

Always remember to take the product with a dry and clean spoon. This will help maintain the product for a long time. For children, the recommended use is half a teaspoonful or six grams, taken twice a day. However, for adults, the recommended use is one teaspoonful, which is about twelve grams, taken twice a day. For the best results, it is best not to take more or less than what is recommended.

The best Chyawanprash products are made to help you combat regular coughs and colds and build your immunity against other illnesses. When you use it regularly, it will not only contribute to your stamina and strength but it will give you that extra bit of energy to help you face each day. Further, it will also help with respiratory discomfort, digestion, heart health and memory. Overall, it is known to help you feel younger and healthier in the long run.

Ensure that you buy the best Chyawanprash for the best results. Avoid purchasing imitations even if they are less expensive as it will not be a worthwhile investment.




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